Camping’s The Life (1964)

Full title reads: “Olympia. Camping’s The Life“. Olympia, London. Camping exhibition - under canvas but indoors. GV Tent on revolving stand. SV Girl sitting on bed chair outside the tent. SV Int: of the tent. GV Pan, elevated of various exhibits. SV Tent on top of car pan across to another car as girl pulls down the ladder of tent which opens on top of the car. CU The girl gets into the tent. SV Man looking at ’Bird Hide’ used for bird watching. CU Flat in the Bird Hide, which opens showing ’bird’ (a young woman) inside. SV Man pumping up ’Igloo Tent’. CU The man. SV Man stops pumping walks over and erects the tent. GV The exhibition. SV Woman demonstrating washing machine beckons to a man who walks over. CU People watching. SV The man being relieved of his shirt. CU The man gaping. SV The woman pouring iodine onto the shirt. CU The man looking worried. SV The shirt being put into the washing machine. SV People watching. CU The woman operating the washing machine. CU The worried man. CU
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