Boys Boxing (1954)

Thameside Amateur Boxing Club. Southend-on-Sea, Essex. M/S mother helping young boy to put on boxing gloves. M/S of another young boy being helped on with boxing slippers by his mother. A woman combs her son’s hair and another rubs her son down with a towel. M/S small boy coming in with woman, he stands up on tiptoe and takes a punch at a punchbag. His mother puts chair underneath it so he can hit it properly, M/S as he punches the ball. Various shots as boys are weighed and have their height measured. M/S as small boy is helped into the boxing ring by his Second. The Second looks at boy’s glove and bends it over. M/S timekeeper pressing bell for start of fight. Various shots as both boys hit madly at one another. M/S audience applauding. M/S boy sitting in corner of ring being shown how to hit properly. M/S crowd. M/S boys hitting at each other. M/S small girl looking worried as she watches boys boxing. Various shots as they fight and the audience applaud. M/S of another fight, boy in corner
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