Chelsea Flower Show (1965)

Item title reads - Chelsea Flower Show. London. Technicolor. Pan across water gardens and rockery, M/S large group of flowers. C/U Salpiglossis, C/U Clematis. M/S flowers, pan across to baskets of fruit, C/U basket of strawberries. M/S showing trays of vegetables laid out. M/S lady setting up Arum lilies in vase. M/S as Ingrid Temple sets up ’Early Bird’ Coral roses. M/S Harry Wheatcroft setting up big display of ’Fragrant Cloud’ roses. C/U as he smells one. Pan Princess Alexandra and husband Angus Ogilvy walking past flower beds, they stop and look at flowers. C/U Princess Alexandra. C/U Clematis. C/U Princess Alexandra. M/S Princess Marina looking at flowers. C/U Neoreglia Caroline. M/S and C/U’s bed of begonias. M/S giant stocks. M/S mass of carnations. Pan up dark blue delphiniums. M/S Princess Margaret and Anthony Armstrong-Jones, Lord Snowdon, looking at the flowers. M/S mass of azaleas and rhododendrons C/U Princess Margaret. M/S Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother walking along, she
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