Churchill (1949)

Thought to be Selected Originals from late 1940s material. Conservative Party Conference, Earl’s Court, London. Mr Winston Churchill’s speech. “We have all been kept on tenterhooks about whether there would be a general election before Christmas and when we should be graciously told. Can Britain in the pass to which she has been led or brought afford to spend three, four or five months manoeuvring about Party tactics and electioneering with a Parliament not only dead but decomposing.“ VS of Churchill and his wife Lady Clementine Churchill being cheered as they walk onto podium. More shots of speech: “But there is one thing that I want to make clear above all else and that is the position of the Conservative Party whenever the election comes. We are not going to try to get into office by offering bribes and promises of immediate material benefits to our people. We will do our best for all without fear or favour, without class or party bias, without rancour or spite, but with clear and faithful simp
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