Mount Hagen, New Guinea.
Aerial view of the highlands of New Guinea. Aerial view of Mount Hagen. Aerial view, closer shot of Mount Haven. SV Pan, native people assembled for the big show. SCU People gathered in front of a straw hut with the name ’Mount Hagen’ written on board. CU Man firing an arrow. CU Arrow hitting target. CU Another man firing an arrow. CU Target. GV Governor General of Australia, Lord De Lisle and his daughter Catherine Sidney arriving to watch the mass show, & SCU Camera pans with car, they are standing on back seats. GV Large procession of men on their way to show ground. SCU People marching in line, camera pans to show the centre of line of men with a Union Jack on the end of a spear. GV Massed crowd of native people in traditional clothes and head gear gathered at the show ground. CU Back view, people wearing various traditional head dresses - many with various feather arrangements. CU Natives chanting and marching past camera in a slow dance, & CU. Another line of natives dancing,