English Industrial And Poverty Scenes (1933)

Unused / unissued material - dates unclear or unknown. Cloth capped shipyard workers leave work at the end of a day. Various shots of workers making their way through the streets. Good shots of industrial workers walking home, factory chimneys in the background. Interior shots of factory floor, men work with metal and lathes. Women factory workers are also seen. More shots of people leaving. More factory shots. Exterior shots of pithead at coal mine. LS from hillside of mining / industrial town. More shots of mining operation. Shots of iron / steel foundry. Molten metal poured. Scenes of closed down pipe works, mines. Shots of more modern mining operations. Shots of railway trucks. View of street one side houses, the other rubble after demolition. Various shots of working class children outside their homes. Shots of house being demolished by men. Men stand in street, looks fairly poor area. Scenes at docks. Coal is loaded onto ships. Ships and boats in docks. Half demolished houses.
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