Mission Accomplished (1966)

Tashkent, Uzbekistan, Soviet Union (USSR). SV. Towards and pan, Mr Lal Shastri, Prime Minister of India, walking into the conference room at Tashkent. Pan around as Mr Shastri greets Mr Alexei Kosygin, Prime Minister of Soviet Union (Russia). GV. Delegates around conference table, they sit down. SV. Mr Shastri sitting between two Indian delegates. SV. Mr Kosygin and Russian delegation seated at table. SV. President of Pakistan, Mr Ayub Khan, speaking. GV. Delegates applauding. SCU. Mr Shastri seated at table. Indian Prime Minister Lal Shastri, dies in Tashkent after agreement with Pakistan. Several shots of Mr Shastri surrounded by the crowds in New Delhi on his departure. Long shot of Houses of Parliament, Big Ben seen in background. Britain’s Prime Minster Harold Wilson and Mr Shastri at the door of 10 Downing Street after meeting in summer 1965 during Commonwealth Prime Ministers Conference. The two shake hands. More shots of the London Commonwealth Prime Ministers Conference. Delegates seated at lo
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