Israel (1949)

Thought to be Selected Originals from late 1940s material. UNO building, Lake Success, New York, United States of America (USA). American voiceovered newsreel material. LV UN Assembly. SV Members of assembly. SV Side view Dr Herbert Evatt, Chairman of the United Nations Organisation, and others on rostrum. MV Evatt talking: ’And I therefore formally declare that Israel is admitted to membership of the United Nations’. MV Moshe Sharett, Israeli Foreign Minister, being congratulated. SV Warren Austin, American delegate, congratulating Sharett. LV Israeli delegation taking up position in assembly. LV nations flags at Lake Success. MV The flag of Israel being raised. MV People applauding. CU Israeli flag. Tel Aviv, Israel / Palestine. Independence Day is declared. LV crowd in Tel Aviv. SV People on lorry. SV Crowds in street. Exterior of synagogue. LV interior of synagogue. GV Congregation pan to rabbi. LV crowds and banners in streets Jerusalem. LV People standing on roof of Jerusalem
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