Cycle Race (1969)

Cycle Race. Worthing, Sussex. Worthing. Big CU Of cycle wheels. GV Mass of competitors at the start of the Milk Cycling Race, (preparing). SCU Of competitor drinking milk. CU Of name on notice, “Czechoslovakia“. CU Another name, “The Netherlands“. CU Another name, “Great Britain“. Pan up to competitor having his legs massaged. SV Another competitor having legs massaged. SV Man pumping up tyre. CU Of pump and man’s feet. SCU Of man pumping pan to cycle wheel. GV Of mass of cycles at the start of the cycle race. They move off and come towards camera and round bend. GV As the pack of cyclists go away from camera. CU Travelling shot of cyclists along road. SV Travelling shot of mass of cyclists pedalling along. SV As group of cyclists come round bend followed by a car with spare cycles on the roof. GV Of scene of accident showing cyclist, Zdenek Kramolis, lying on roadway near the lorry which he hit. SV Lorry and the twisted remains of the cycle. CU The front of the lorry which is dented and the twisted re
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