Champs On Water Skis (1964)

Full title reads: “Sonning. Champs On Water Skis“. Sonning, Berkshire. Lord Snowdon attends the British Water skiing championships. GV Lance Callingham performing in the Slalom event. GV Robin Beckitt the eventual winner performing the Slalom. SV Lord Snowdon arriving driving Mini car. GV Crowds at waters edge. SV Lord Snowdon and Official of club walking down to boat. SV Crowd. Pan to show Lord Snowdon in boat. SV The women’s jumping event. Joyce Croal making her jump. GV Caroline Walsh making jump and falling. GV Jennette Stewart-Wood going towards the ramp. GV Jennette flying through the air and landing with a new British Record jump of 97 ft. SV Crowd. GV James Stephenson going over jump in the men’s event. GV Tim Burnett being towed towards the ramp. GV Burnett jumping. but he looses his balance. GV Tony Richardson being towed along. GV From under jump as Richardson makes his leap. GV Colin Ayres being towed up to ramp. GV Ayres jumping but he lands badly and lies still in the wate
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