The Invader! (1932)

Introductory intertitle reads: “If ever you want to muster Young Britain, get the Post Office to give a free exhibition of their ingenious appliances and watch the invasion.“ C/Us of crowd of young boys queuing at a desk for a chance to send a telegram. A woman stamps their “free souvenir messages.“ Narrator states that the boys’ imagination often deserts them once they get to the counter. He lists some of the messages allegedly sent by these schoolboys including “I’m not lost yet“ and “Dear mother, I hope you are better now“. C/U of man typing the messages in to the telegraph “teleprinter“. C/U of the woman operating another part of the telegraph operation. She feeds a thin tape through a machine. M/S of a young man in a bellboy type outfit handing out telegrams to the young boys and girls who crowd around him. They have been transmitted from the other side of the exhibition. “The mail ’pick up’ and depositor, too.“ M/S of a model of a Post Office sorting carriage such as are used on the n
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