Surgery To Save Horses (1961)

Full title reads: “Newmarket. Surgery To Save Horses“. Newmarket, Suffolk. GV Balton lodge just outside Newmarket which is the headquarters of the animal health trust equine research station. CU sign “The Animal Health Trust Equine Research Station“. LV the Queen with officials including, the Duke of Norfolk looking into stables. CU interior. of stable Mr James Roberts, Senior Veterinary Surgeon, is showing donkey which has had a new eyelid grafted. SV the Queen looking at one of Prince Philip’s polo ponies “Mainlight“ which is awaiting operation. SV “Mainlight“ GV exterior Queen Elizabeth II outside the stables watching horse being led by. CU horse looking out of box the horse appears to have “whiskers“ GV the Gladys Yule surgical wing which the Queen officially opened SV interior Mr Roberts horse injections. SV the horse. collapsing under the anaesthetic. CU cardiograph machine GV the horse on the operating table about to undergo the cardiograph. SV the horse being given anaesthetic. GV the Queen
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