Memorial Visited (1967)

No title - Memorial dedicated at Auschwitz Concentration Camp. Poland. Various shots of the electric fence around Auschwitz Concentration Camp. Various shots of the chimneys. Various shots of the perpetual flame burning on the site of the crematoria. Various shots crowds arriving for the memorial service. M/S as they walk alongside railway lines. Various shots of the large crowd. M/S as they arrive at the end of the railway line. Various shots of the memorial. L/S as Polish Prime Minister Josef Cyrankiewicz, himself a survivor of Auschwitz, unveils memorial. L/S as tape over the memorial falls loose. Top shot of drummers. M/S Josef Cyrankiewicz and others standing in silence. M/S man in Auschwitz suit. C/U woman crying. C/U man crying. M/S pan as Josef Cyrankiewicz lays wreath. Various shots as others lay wreaths. C/U’s memorial stone with flowers on it. M/S people laying flowers. C/U woman laying wreath of barbed wire. M/S flowers laying on the memorial. FILM ID: A VIDEO FROM BRITISH P
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