Queen Opens Parliament Aka State Opening Of Parliament (1961)

Title reads: “Queen Opens Parliament“. Westminster, London. State opening of Parliament. Elevated shot Houses of Parliament (Westminster Palace). Interior shot: peers seated in the House of Lords. C/U throne from which the Queen reads her speech. Various shots royal carriage coming onto Whitehall from horseguards parade. C/U Queen Elizabeth II and Duke of Edinburgh (Prince Philip) in carriage as it passes camera. Elevated shot crowds. The Procession comes towards camera in Parliament Square. The Royal carriage passes camera. Elevated shot procession moving towards Parliament. Crowd. Carriage passing camera. C/U two twin girls watching. The carriage enters the yard of the House of Parliament. G/V royal standard flag flying from the Houses of Parliament. C/U as procession comes up steps towards camera. C/U Queen and Duke walking up steps. G/V Members of the House of Lords rising. C/U peers standing. L/S Queen sitting on throne with peers sitting down in foreground. C/U Queen sitti
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