No titles. Mrs Wilson launches Hoverlloyd’s SRN Hovercraft.
Ramsgate, Kent.
General view of the SRN 4 hovercraft, ’Swift’, at Pegwell Bay. Angle shot showing names on the side of craft - Ramsgate and Calais. C/U of propellor. C/U Champagne bottle to be smashed against the craft during launch. SV Front of hovercraft.
Mrs Wilson, wife of Prime Minister Harold, arrives with managing director of Hoverlloyd, Mr. Leslie R Colquhoun. Mrs Wilson walks up onto platform. General view of workers watching. Mrs Wilson stands on platform with Mr Colquhoun and presses button, camera swings round t
...o hovercraft (some distance away) to show flags unveiling name, ’Swift’. M/S of man folding up steps on side of craft. Side view of craft showing radar scanners turning.
Interior shots on the hovercraft showing pilot and test pilot checking controls. C/U of Navigation Officer looking into radar. Exterior shot of hovercraft propellors turning. CU of Mrs Wilson with Mr Colquhoun. General view as the hoverShow more