Mrs Wilson Christmas Hovercraft (1969)

No titles. Mrs Wilson launches Hoverlloyd’s SRN Hovercraft. Ramsgate, Kent. General view of the SRN 4 hovercraft, ’Swift’, at Pegwell Bay. Angle shot showing names on the side of craft - Ramsgate and Calais. C/U of propellor. C/U Champagne bottle to be smashed against the craft during launch. SV Front of hovercraft. Mrs Wilson, wife of Prime Minister Harold, arrives with managing director of Hoverlloyd, Mr. Leslie R Colquhoun. Mrs Wilson walks up onto platform. General view of workers watching. Mrs Wilson stands on platform with Mr Colquhoun and presses button, camera swings round t...o hovercraft (some distance away) to show flags unveiling name, ’Swift’. M/S of man folding up steps on side of craft. Side view of craft showing radar scanners turning. Interior shots on the hovercraft showing pilot and test pilot checking controls. C/U of Navigation Officer looking into radar. Exterior shot of hovercraft propellors turning. CU of Mrs Wilson with Mr Colquhoun. General view as the hover
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