Invasion Scenes (1944)

Unused / unissued material. - Location and dates unknown / unclear. France. Various shots of local French men signing up to join the Allied forces of liberation. Old man makes joke about not being able to volunteer. Man paints white star on front of car. Two French mechanics work on engine of army truck. Long row of vehicles (including DUKW) driven through town showing lots of devastation. More shots of men signing up. New recruits (now in uniform) greeted by officer. Recruits marching around and training with rifles and drill. French officers look on. Officer of Free French forces gives pep talk. Policeman checks ID papers. Policemen meet family who seem happy to have ID check. Various shots of local HQ for Gendarmerie Nationale. Shots of reconstruction work. CU of poster supporting the Resistance. Pile of unexploded bombs. CU sign Danger Unexploded Bomb. An American soldier pretends to be sleeping next to it. Tanks travel at speed down country road. Neg of UN 906 B.
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