Bevan - In Memoriam (1960)

Item title reads - Nye Bevan - In Memoriam. C/U Aneurin (Nye) Bevan. M/S Bevan’s farmhouse in Buckinghamshire. M/S bystanders. M/S Indian Prime Minister Jawaharial Nehru and his sister Mrs Pandit leaving the house. M/S’s Bevan and his wife Jenny Lee waving goodbye. C/U newspaper placard reading ’Bevan very weak - official’. M/S man buying paper. C/U papers telling of his weak state. M/S pan across mines in his native Tredegar. M/S and C/U Nye and Jenny Lee sat together. M/S girl in Welsh national costume going to vote in Tredegar. M/S Nye about to vote, C/U as he drops paper into ballot box. L/S building at Scarborough, M/S Nye shaking hands with a man at party conference. L/S inside building. M/S Nye speaking from platform. L/S big house in the country. M/S Nye with other Labour Ministers. C/U Nye. M/S Ministry of Labour, C/U sign on building. M/S Nye walking out of Ministry after resigning. M/S people buying papers afterwards. M/S Nye and Jenny walking along street towards camera. M/S interior of
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