Unused / unissued material - dates and locations unclear or unknown.
Eisenhower at march past and party.
Note: Paperwork suggest item was filmed in Cherbourg, France after liberation.
M/Ss of General Dwight D. Eisenhower talking of US soldier. M/Ss of French dignitaries talking. M/S of young women talking. More shots of dignitaries chatting. M/S of women in cart being pulled by horse along street. L/S and M/S of large building (possibly cathedral). People entering building. People milling around outside. M/Ss of French military men talking. More shots of crowds outside cathedral. Shots of crowds standing around bandstand.
M/S of veteran soldier proudly displaying medals. M/S of children holding bouquets of flowers. Various shots of crowds. Several shots of march past by French veterans and the US Army. People watch from windows. M/Ss of men and women in crowd with young children. L/S of stately building with banner which reads “Vive De Gaulle - Vive La America“. More shots of the procession. L/Ss