Full title reads: “Ischia. Eden Wedding A ’Riot’.“
Ischia, (an island off Naples), Italy. The Eden-Borrelli Wedding.
GV Street in the village of Ischia. GV Sea front in Ischia. SV Top of church, pan down to show crowds outside church. GV Inside church as the bride (Amelia Eden) and her brother John Eden (Nephew of Sir Anthony Eden) push their way through crowds towards the altar. CU The bride beside the groom (Giovanni Borrelli). CU Cameras. CU The bride and groom. CU The bride, groom and brother John with mother Lady Patricia Eden just behind. CU John Eden talking to the bride and groom. CU Bride and John with Lady Eden just behind. SV Exterior, tourists. (2 shots). GV Elevated, the bride and groom pushing their way through crowds towards their car. SV Bride and groom on way to car, and they get into the car. CU Pan, press photographers. CU The bride and groom in car. BV Car going away from camera. SV Crowds. CU Bride and bridegroom kissing in the car.
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