Ancient Roman Style Club (1969)

Ancient Roman style club. Munich in Germany. SV Interior Roman bath in Munich. Girls in swimming costumes walking round bath. SV Girl in nude going into water. GV Roman bath setting. SV Two people drinking round side of bath. SV Girl in water drinking. SV Crowd watching the bath. In background, mural on wall, Roman. CU People’s legs. Pan down to girl wearing Roman type sandal. GV The bath, with nude girl in water and another nude girl sitting on stone in middle of water. CU People’s heads. LV Nude girls in bath. People looking at the bath. SV Girls swimming around in bath. CU Ditto. Quick montage of lobster, two nude girls, candle, nude girl, nude girls pulling dressed woman into pool, coloured man eating, white girl eating, nude girl in water, man with beard. CU Nude girl taking drink from someone beside pool. FILM ID: A VIDEO FROM BRITISH PATHÉ. EXPLORE OUR ONLINE CHANNEL, BRITISH PATHÉ TV. IT’S FULL OF GREAT DOCUMENTARIES, FASCINATING INTERVIEWS, AND CLASSIC MOVIES.
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