Commonwealth Conference (1964)

Full title reads: “London. Commonwealth Conference“. Marlborough House, London. GV Marlborough House taken from the gardens. GV The Commonwealth Prime Minister’s gathered in the garden. LV ditto inside Marquee. SV Sir Alec Douglas-Home talking to Mr Donald Sangster from Jamaica. SV Mr Keith Holyoake of New Zealand talking to Mr Tom Mooya. SV Cypriot Foreign Minister Mr Spyrous Kyprianou talking to another gentleman. CU Mr Kyprianou pan to the other gentleman. SV Sir Alec talking. CU Mr TT Krishnamachari, Indian Finance Minister. SV Donald Sangster talking to another gentleman. SV Jomo Kenyatta of Kenya with his party. CU Pan Dr Kwame Nkrumah (Prime Minister of Ghana) with Milton Obote from Uganda. GV Press photographers. GV Int. the conference room PM’s seated round table. SV Sir Alec. SV Group of PM’s. SV Sir Robert Menzies (Australia). CU Mrs Sirimavo Bandaranaike, (Ceylon / Sri Lanka). CU President Ayub Khan of Pakistan. CU Tunku Abdul Rahman (Malayan). GV PM’s seated round conference table.
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