Speed On The Front (1963)

Brighton, East Sussex. GV. Cars on the promenade at start of the National speed trials at Brighton front, & SV. GV. Two cars start the timed run along Madeira Drive - cars compete in pairs. GV. Two cars coming along towards camera. GV. Another two cars starting the run. GV. Cars coming towards and past the camera. GV. People watching. SV. Wrecked car of Mrs Vivienne Lewis in the children’s playground - she crashed her car and died in accident. SV. Pan, the burnt out wreckage. SV. Mr Sydney Allard in his dragster, followed by one of the American dragsters. SV. People watching. GV. One of the American dragsters pushed by a truck to give it a start. GV. People watching. GV. One of the American dragster start off in a cloud of smoke. GV. Dragster passes camera at very high speed. GV. Mr Sydney Allard pulling his dragster into curb. SV. Allard getting out of the dragster. SV. The dragster. GV. One of the American dragsters starting off in a cloud of smoke. GV. The dragster coming towards camera with its parachu
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