Child Rescue Bid Fails (1949)

Thought to be Selected Originals from late 1940s material. Title reads: “Nation’s Vigil Ends - Kathy Fiscus Is Dead“. San Marino, California, United States of America (USA). American voiceovered newsreel material. LV GV Crowds of people surrounding hole. Cranes used for rescue work in foreground. SV Two men looking down hole. SV Man lying over hole. He moves away revealing hole with air pipe leading into it. CU Still photo of child, Kathy Fiscus. LV GV rescue excavations in progress. LV being drawn out of rescue pit on rope. SV People looking on. SV Men handing up pipe pan up to pipe shaft. CU Diagram showing progress of excavations. CU Diagram of excavation. CU Diagram showing baby imprisoned and men working on rescue operation. SV Man - Whitey Blickensderfer - being drawn out of hole. SV People looking on through Wire Fence. SV GV night shot of rescue workers. SV Man hauled to top of pipe. SV Man being lowered in pipe - Dr. Robert McCulloch - the Fiscus family doctor. SV People look
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