Farewell To Africa (1960)

Item title reads - Farewell to Africa. Cape Town. L/S Cape Town, camera pans to section of Table Mountain. M/S of British Prime Minister Harold Macmillan’s car approaching camera along mountain road. M/S of Groot Constantia house, once the residence of the Dutch Governor of the Cape, now a national monument. M/S garden party in progress there, M/S of Macmillan and his wife Dorothy. M/S of vineyards, camera pans up to show mountain background. M/S of Macmillan and party looking at the scenery. M/S of the house of Mr M. Abrahams, a Malay businessman, where Lady Dorothy is to have tea. Various interior shots of Lady Dorothy sat with other guests at the table. M/S as a Malay woman offers her a cake from a plate. L/S of the Union Castle liner “Cape Town Castle“ in dock at Cape Town. M/S Macmillan shaking hands with Prime Minister Dr. Verwoerd at the quayside. M/S crowd waving. The couple wave from the gangplank. C/U Dorothy in a bonnet, she waves from the ship. L/S as the camera pans across Table Mount
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