Us Air News (1948)

Thought to be Selected Originals from late 1940s material. Title reads: “Air News“. American voiceovered newsreel material. Intertitle reads: “Kittyhawk Comes Home“. Washington DC, United States of America (USA). Long shot of USN lorry, carrying Wright brothers’ original aircraft, the ’Kitty Hawk’, moving past camera. Poster on side of van. High angle long shot of Kitty Hawk being assembled in the Smithsonian Institute, Washington. Men adjusting wing stays. Intertitle reads: “The Two Way Propellor“. Two men twisting new two-way propellors. US airman standing by propellor of C-54 aircraft. Propellor blade being turned into reverse position. C-54 aircraft with propellor working. Man throwing flour into slip stream. Flour blowing towards rear of plane. Propellors reversed and flour being blown away from plane. Long shot of the two C-54 planes in flight. New propellor trailing smoke. Plane dives towards ground for landing. Long shot of two C-54’s trailing smoke, one diving towards ground, for
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