Supply Ship In Tobruk - 1942 (1942)

Tobruk, Libya. Various shots of East African pioneer corps unloading oil and ammunitions for barge and onto lorry in Tobruk harbour. Cargo being unloaded from the ship onto smaller barges. Several shots of the troops and equipment gathered together at the desert before German attack. Some long shots of lines of lorries and troops gathering in the desert. Several shots of the German and Italian prisoners marching towards and past camera. More shots of the prisoners seated on boats, ready to be sent to prisoner camps. Various long shots of Tobruk and surrounding desert. Various shots of the street signs and graffiti on buildings in Tobruk. Several shots of the streets with civilians and troops seen around. Planes flying over town. Several night shots of the harbour and the town. Various shots of the bomb damage on the buildings. Several shots of the improvised ambulance and hospital being put together. Union Jack replaces Italian flag. Several shots of burned and ruined German and Italian
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