Royal Christening (1948)

Thought to be Selected Originals from late 1940s material. Buckingham Palace, London. Close up shot of baby Prince Charles, newly born son of Princess Elizabeth. Long shot of eight sponsors and baby (two shots). Marchioness of Milford Haven, Princess Elizabeth, baby and Queen Mary. Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Fisher, with several priests. Queen Elizabeth (later the Queen Mother) holding baby. Close up shot of Queen Elizabeth holding the baby. Close up shot of the Archbishop of Canterbury looking on. Queen Mary holding baby. Close up shot of Queen Mary holding the baby. Close up shot of Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, smiling. Angle shot, family group - King George VI, Queen Elizabeth, Princess Elizabeth, Prince Philip and the baby. Close up shot of baby in Princess Elizabeth’s arms. Close up shot of Princess Elizabeth holding baby, pan up to Prince Philip. Close up shot of the baby. Queen Mary, King George VI, Princess Elizabeth and baby. Close up shot of Princess Elizabeth smiling, pan down to baby.
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