High Voltage (1949)

Thought to be Selected Originals from late 1940s material. Title reads: “Man-Made Lightening - 15,000,000 Volts!“. American voiceovered newsreel material. Pittsfield, Massachusetts, United States of America (USA). Engineers test how to protect towns from Lightning strike. LV Elevated General Electric’s new high voltage laboratory, showing impulse generators. SV Angle shot impulse generators. MV Engineer working at electrode. MV Top view impulse generator. LV Engineer in cradle being lowered. LV Sparks flying between electrodes. MV and SV High voltage sparks flying between electrodes. MV Model community with lights on. SV Engineer looking through panel. SV Community. Lightning strikes and lights go out. SV Engineer twiddling knobs on panel. SV Model community. Lightning strikes and lights stay on. MV and SV High-voltage sparks flying between electrodes. Possibly connected with 49/53 - MD. FILM ID: A VIDEO FROM BRITISH PATHÉ. EXPLORE OUR ONLINE CHANNEL, BRITI
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