Embroidered bags and backpacks part 2

Bags are a convenient accessory for storing and carrying various things. There are miniature bags for a purse or cosmetics, there are large bags in which heavy tools are carried. Bags vary in size, shape, material, purpose and style. They were invented thousands of years ago, as soon as a person had the need to carry something somewhere. They were sewn from leather, then their fabrics, then they began to come up with more and more practical and convenient options for bags. For the manufacture of bags and backpacks, completely different materials are used today. The most popular are leather and jeans. At the same time, older, more impressive people choose leather, and denim bags and backpacks appeal to young people and those who lead an active life. Bags have many purposes: Grocery bag; Travel bag; Casual bag; Bag for a special occasion; Sports bag; Equipment bag. Depending on the purpose of use, bags are also qualified in the form: Everyday: envelope, bag, tablet, postman, reticule, bag, hobo, baguette, kn
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