Finalists of International Piano Competition EUREGIO PIANO AWARD 2018 - Aleksandra Mazurkevich

The 7th international piano competition EUREGIO PIANO AWARD will take place in Geilenkirchen, Germany from 24th - 28th July 2019. The Competition is open to musicians aged 18 to 32 years of any nationality regularly enrolled and is divided in 3 rounds. The Final round with Orchestra and ceremony with the prizewinners will be held on 28th July. The international piano competition „Euregio Piano Award“ in Geilenkirchen / Germany, part of the Alink-Argerich Foundation, was founded 2013 by the Konzertdirektion Koltun GUG in cooberation with the city gouverment of Geilenkirchen. The competition is open to pianists of all nationality. Every year 130 participants of over 35 nationalities are inviteted to take part in Germany with a completely prize pool of 7000 € and over 25 concerts for the prizwinner all over the world like Berlin Philharmonie or Qintai Concert Hall Wuhan. The attention of the competition is the supporting of young pianist to give them a possibility for step inside a professional music career. T
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