*CLOSE RANGE* The Dalton/Ashby, MN EF4 Tornado - Full Chase and Life Cycle - July 8th, 2020

Whoah, where do I begin? After hours of editing here are 11 savory minutes of photogenic tornadoness all nicely put together - well at least as nicely as I can make it. It was honestly a dream chase and one of the best chases I’ve ever been on in my 10-year career. It was amazing to witness this slow-moving photogenic supercell that produced a drill bit photogenic tornado that was on the ground for over 31 minutes! It just doesn’t get any better than that! Unfortunately, there is the dark side to nature’s beauty. It’s hard being in a hobby where you are sometimes the active watcher in other people’s dismay. It’s a tension that not only myself but I know a lot of other storm chasers have wrestled with over the years. No, we do not want to see property or lives being destroyed, yet we are mesmerized by the power weather can do. All of that to say, I love weather but wrestle with its destructive nature. And within that wrestling, learning to just trust God with what’s going. There are several GoFundMe’s for th
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