How to make a Barstarzz park

Note:you also will need a SAW to cut the bars for the pull-up and the ladder. you Can also use wood for the boarders instead of bricks. Hey guys I Wanted to make this park just like my drawing but didn’t have the Money,I made it with scraps didn’t buy any of the bars except for the Dip Bar ones which are pricy. and I didn’t buy the bricks but i did buy the 4x4, but I when to Home Depot to take pictures and price it out for you guys . I Mainly want people to get a good Idea on How to Make it and the Work-out possibilities on it. This is the New, Best way to get in shape For Free CALISTHENICS, You don’t Even need this Park, But a Nice Pull-up and Dip-bar at your disposal will help your Core and over all strength A lot, And in Ghetto Areas where they Always steal your weights, trusts me i Know they just disappear, but not any more Lol. And for you Bar Athletes Around the World that want to make some Extra Cash, Built Parks For people that are looking for a New way to get in S
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