Sri Radha-Krsna Pada-kamale Mana - Krsna Das - Gaudiya Bhajans & Kirtans

Song Name: Sri Radha Krsna Pada Kamale Mana Author: Bhaktivinoda Thakura Language: Bengali LYRICS: 1) śrī rādhā-kṛṣṇa pada-kamale mana kemône labhibe carama śaraṇa 2) cira-dina kôriyā o-caraṇa-āśa āche he bôsiyā e adhama dāsa 3) he rādhe! he kṛṣṇacandra! bhakata-prāṇa pāmare ĵugala-bhakti karô’ dāna 4) bhakti-hīna bôli’ nā karô’ upekṣā mūrkha-jane dehô’ jñāna-suśikṣā 5) viṣaya-pipāsā-prapīḓita dāse dehô’ adhikāra ĵugala-vilāse 6) cañcala-jīvana-srota pravāhiyā, kālera sāgare dhāya gelô ĵe divasa, nā āsibe āra, ebe kṛṣṇa ki upāya 7) tumi patita-janer bandhu jāni he tomāre nātha, tumi tô’ karuṇā-jala-sindhu 8) āmi bhāgya-hīna, ati arbācīna, nā jāni bhakati-leśa nija-guṇe nātha, karô’ ātma-sāt, ghucāiyā bhava-kleśa 9) siddha-deha diyā, vṛndāvana-mājhe, sevāmṛta karô’ dāna piyāiyā prema, matta kôri’ more, śunô nija-guṇa-gāna 10) ĵugala-sevāya, śrī rāsa-maṇḍale, niĵukta karô’ āmāya lalitā sakhīra, aĵogyā kiṅkarī, vinoda dhôriche pāya TRANSLATION 1) O mind, how will you ultimately take shelter at the lotus feet of Śrī Śrī Rādhā-Kṛṣṇa? 2) Having had the desire to take shelter of those lotus feet since time immemorial, this wretched servant simply is waiting. 3) O Rādhe, O Kṛṣṇa-candra, life and soul of the devotees! Please bestow upon this most sinful person bhakti to both of You. 4) Please do not neglect me, saying that I am devoid of bhakti. Instead, give this ignorant person your auspicious instructions on spiritual knowledge. 5) Please give this servant, who is afflicted by the thirst for material enjoyment, the qualification to serve in Your amorous pastimes. 6) This restless current of life flows, running into the ocean of time [death]. The days that have gone will not come again. Alas, Kṛṣṇa, what am I to do now? 7) You are the friends of the fallen. I know who You are, my Masters! You are indeed the very ocean of kindness. 8) I am unfortunate and exceedingly foolish. I do not understand even an iota of bhakti. O my Masters, by virtue of Your greatness, take my soul and make me Your own, thereby vanquishing my material sufferings. 9) Give me a perfected spiritual body within the transcendental abode of Vṛndāvana and bestow upon me in charity the nectar of service to You. After making me drink prema and thus become spiritually intoxicated, hear me sing Your glories. 10) Please engage me in service to You in the arena of the rāsa dance. This unworthy maidservant of Śrī Lalitā Sakhī, Bhaktivinoda, beseeches You by clasping Your lotus feet. Download the FREE Gaudiya Kirtan App for Android - Download the FREE Gaudiya Kirtan App for iPhone - Want to listen to Hari Katha? Check out this YouTube Channel - Join using for daily harikatha by Śrīla Bhaktivedānta Nārāyana Goswāmi Māhārāja in Hindi and English. Shop for Bhakti Books on Shop for Bhakti Art at CC-BY-ND Except otherwise noted, the English translations in this video are licensed under the creative commons attribution- no derivative works 4.0 international license. To view a copy of this license, please visit
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