Russia Keen To Sell India T-14 Armata Tanks, New Delhi Wants Make-In-India Model-Like AK-203 Rifles

After signing a deal to produce AK-203 rifles in India, now India & Russia may soon be working on a new battle tank. Russia has offered to jointly develop a new battle tank based on its T-14 Armata platform. This comes after the Army had submitted an RFI to acquire 1,770 Future Ready Combat Vehicles (FRCVs) by 2030. The new FRCVs will replace the Russian-made T-90 Bhishma and T-72 Ajeya as India’s main battle tanks. #India #Russia #T14Armata Crux is your daily dose of the big, viral and relevant news in a few minutes. It’s your ultimate guide to staying informed on the latest in politics, international relations, sports, entertainment and social media Follow CRUX on Instagram (@): Follow CRUX on Facebook: #GetCloserToTheNews with latest headlines on politics, sports and entertainment on
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