This is the Documentation Video of the N Panel Manager addon for Blender. Below you see the list with time stamps that allow you to switch quickly to another part of the video.
00:00 Introduction -- PART 1 --
00:40 The UI of the N Panel Manager
01:30 Filter category of addons
03:00 Search by Name, Author, or Description
03:35 Filter Enabled or Disabled addons
03:50 The info panel and make notes (save startup file after that).
06:00 Enable or disable an addon in a workspace
06:50 Export and import settings as JSON
11:00 Blender’s workspace filter vs. N Panel Manager
12:20 N Panel
... Manager Basic workflow
14:00 How to view a JSON Export in Excel
18:50 Save Preferences vs. save Startup File
20:20 Example using notes for shortcuts
21:50 Known issue (What to do when updating an addon, for now)
23:40 Roadmap
23:00 Important note on installing the N Panel Manager
24:35 Tips on new Blender installation -- PART 2 --
24:50 Download Blender
25:30 Edit preferences in Blender
32:-00 Make one perfect workspace and save Startup File
35:00 Cleaning up before Save Startup File
37:20 Duplicate the perfect workspace and rename
42:00 Save Startup File
42:30 Install and/or enable all your favorite addons (151 in my case).
43:15 Installing the N Panel Manager
44:30 Help! I updated an addon, and I don’t see it
45:15 Using the N Panel Manager
Releas log:
31 May 2022:
There is an update of the N Panel Manager addon that shows an Initiate button in the preferences. The initiate button enables the N Panel Manager in every workspace (Even if the workspace filter in a workspace is not enabled). It also loads the addon- and workspace- data in the N Panel Manager’s list. This update is tested in three different Blender installations and is not tested for a broader range of scenarios. Don’t hesitate to contact us with your findings if things are not going as expected. Thank you so much for your attention and participation. The best way to update addons is as follows: Uninstall the old versions, save preferences, restart Blender, and install the new version. In this case, it is .Show more