Alain Delon - Cœurs Migratoires*(’Migratory Heart’ by Catherine D & Bruno Pelletier) with Lyrics

,  Finally, with enhanced audio with Lyrics for this beautiful clip! 💟💚😁 **My luck @ 2018 is to meet with Ms Mihaela P, a Brunette, who is so kind to take Audio Dictation (Quebecois) translation of this song for us!  Amazing & Fantastic!  Our interests are 90% different but we have common in Bruno’s music and passion for great music!  💚💟😊 (She’d also done especially for me and all, an extreme difficult project (poor recording source of Les Filies des Caleb, ’ Mon Bel Amour du Nord (My beautiful Love!)’ 💟😁  😘💕. Wow, a nightmare to her but really inspiring to all!  Haha, a million thanks/kisses to this magnifique lady!  My next project!  ====================== (1st clip uploaded on .  *Will keep both versions and this one is for downloading with lyrics.😁 ================ Find the one
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