How To Best Train The Glutes (Rule Of Thirds)

To join my flagship glute building program Booty by Bret, click here: To buy my BC Strength glute building products, click here: To buy my best selling booty bible “Glute Lab,“ click here: =sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=the glute lab&qid=1612979379&sr=8-1 To view all of my products and services, including customized programs and a link to subscribe to my newsletter, click here: If you want to maximize your glute development, then I encourage you to utilize my “Rule Of Thirds“ in your training. When you design programs for yourself or your clients, you want around a third of your exercises to be vertical in vector, one third to be horizontal, and one third lateral/rotary. In addition, around a third of your sets should be heavy in the 1-5 repetition range, a third should be moderate in the 6-15 repetiti
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