Lattice 6 Minute Home Core Workout: Climbing Training Session - Floor Based!

Many of us find ourselves with the time and motivation to complete a core workout - but not always the fanciest of equipment! We’ve put together a 6 minute “Home core workout“ routine that you can do with almost zero equipment. You just need a bit of floor space and a couple of suitable weights! This routine can be completed in continuous cycles to create 6-12-18-24 minute work blocks, depending on how well conditioned you are. One thing to point out with core training is that you want to always try to keep a variety of planes of movement and work the entire core! A good quality, all-round routine that will serve you year in, year out, is one that stresses the abdominals, obliques and back. They’re all an essential part of the climbing equation! 6 Key exercises: 1. Dish tuck (vary arm position for intensity) 2. Weighted twists (really extend the full range of movement!) 3. Weighted sit-ups (change weight or arm position) 4. Marching plank (
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