The Ornamental Hermit

Friedrich Liechtenstein is flâneur, pop star and visionary. In this short film above the self-proclaimed “hardest working entertainer in the world“ shows us his life as an ornamental hermit. In 2013, inspired by the hermitages of the landscape gardens of the 19th century, Liechtenstein moved to a room in the tower building of a Berlin eyewear company to live the life of an urban recluse. The film shows a day in the life of Friedchrich Liechtenstein. It’s a document of the time before the hype surrounded him and shot him with a rocket to the moon back to his “home in the mainstream.“ Liechtenst...ein explains his concept of escapism: that ornamental hermits work on the edges of our reality, they expand and build access roads into a fantastical world. Ps. With his emergency parachute album “Bad Gastein“ he jumped out of the moon destinted rocket and now sits astride the next rocket heading to the majestic sombreo galaxy. “What should I do on the moon anyway?“
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