What if Scar was the rightful king? || ||

Clips i used to do it: Lion King, Lion King II, Lion King III, Lion Guard Maskings credits: Sky, The Ninja Hugger ***, Nana Wakagimi, leo, nighty, purple vines, Inflected Kion, Clover Mask, SaraChanLionwolf, Emzie the Editor, Matheus souza Almeida STORY: King Scar and queen Zira have two cubs: Kovu (the eldest) and Vitani. But Scar and Zira had another son: Nuka. That he was envious of Kovuโ€™s birth because he had to be the heir to the throne. Mufasa and Sarabi (two lions of the pack) have two cubs: Kiara Simba. Kovu, Kiara, Simba and vitani grew up and became more and more friends. But Nuka also grew up and became a lion with the envy of his little brother who rose to a thousand. So Nuka allied with the hyenas to attack Scar and to end his kingdom forever. Nuka kills her father Scar and reveals to Kovu that it was he who killed him. Kovu escapes in tears away from the Pridelands. Nuka returned to the Pride Rock, reveals to the pack the unfortunate death of the king and his son and that he was to become the new king. Mufasa, a close friend of Scar, does not take it well and tries to prevent Nuka from ascending the throne but is devoured by the hyenas. And so Nuka became the new king. Time passed and Kovu, Kiara, Simba and Vitani grew up and became adult lions. Simba and Vitani fell in love and Kiara was jealous because it reminded him of the beautiful relationship she had with Kovu ... So Kiara moves away from the Pride Rock where she sees Kovu again and they fell in love at a glance. Kovu told Kiara the whole truth, that it was Nuka who killed Scar. And so they decided to get back together to regain the kingdom. At the Rock of the Kings, the mother Zira was confronting her son Nuka. Nuka violently hits Zira who makes him fall to the ground and in that instant Kovu roars from the cliff of the kings and jumps on Nuka strangling him trying to make him tell the truth. Nuka reveals that he is the killer and a battle between lions and hyenas ensues. Kovu kills Nuka by throwing him off the Pride Rock and the hyenas escape. The Pridelands are safe again and Kovu becomes the new king. And from above Scar and Mufasa look at everything with great pride. THE END
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