Will German Tanks make a Difference? Update on Russian Ops in Ukraine for April 27, 2022

Update on Russian Military Operations in Ukraine for April 27, 2022 - Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin establishes monthly “consultative” meetings regarding Ukraine; - Germany to send 50 “Cheetah” anti-air tracked vehicles; - Western anti-air capabilities do not compare to Russia’s and nothing short of a NATO intervention can turn the tide regarding the balance of air power in Ukraine; - West recklessly dismisses Russian warnings about nuclear war; - provocations around Moldova and Transnistria may be NATO ploy to establish NATO-controlled buffer zone preserving Ukraine’s access to the sea near Odessa; - Pentagon, others refuse to admit Russia has taken Mariupol; - Donbas situation is dire for Ukraine; - Ukraine cannot reconstitute lost forces faster than Russia is removing them from the battlefield; References: US Department of Defense - Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III Holds a News Conference Following Ukraine Defense Consultative Group Meeting, Ra
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