Top Riot - Inside

“Inside“ is a song about the innermost processes inside us which rush by within seconds, it seems, yet over this brief period we happen to perish every time and resurge again. Those are illusions which we create for ourselves, only to see them fall apart in an instant, leaving behind a void of emptiness, a zero. This is a springtime call - step out of hopeless expectations, relationships, cross the border from zero to the side with the plus sign! “Inside“ sounds confident and hopeful, inspiring to break free from illusory living and meet with reality. Top Riot - Inside released Band are: Olga Khotenovskaya AKA DJ Pink Champagne - Arrangements Gella - Vocals Dmitry Shinkarchuk - Production and mixing Follow us: Music Credits: Music and lyrics by Olga Khotenovskaya Vocals written and performed by Gella Drums programming and mixing by Dmitry Shinkarchuk at MasterDX Studios (Israel) Contact us: topriotmusic@
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