An ingenious drawing machine you can build yourself - The Mini-Harmonograph - DIY JIG

A Harmonograph is a mechanical device that uses swinging ... READ MORE - CLICK HERE ▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼ ... pendulums to draw pictures. It was probably invented in 1844 by the Scottish mathematician Hugh Blackburn. And although it was a popular salon amusement in Victorian England, it has been almost completely forgotten until today. This is not surprising, since the devices were usually heavy and unwieldy. An exception is this mini-harmonograph which, thanks to the latest materials such as aluminum and 3D printing, is so light and handy that it is now possible to demonstrate this fascinating techno...logy wherever a table is available. You can buy a construction plan for this Harmonograph here: The 1st part of this construction manual The 2nd part of this construction manual The 3rd part of this construction manual Here is the book by Anthony Ashton, which contains everything you need to know about the Harmonograph: ------------------------------------- 3 COMPLETELY DIFFERENT VIDEOS: Rube Goldberg “THANK-YOU-FOR-WATCHING-MACHINE“ How to Make Finger Joints on a Table Saw with a Single Blade Awesome dust collection for the workshop without cyclone ------------------------------------- 3 Blueprints/Baupläne * Kniehebelspanner: * Pantograph : * Gummiringpistole: ------------------------------------- 3 CHEAPEST TOOLS I USE EVERY DAY Holzleim Express: Wolfcraft Federzwinge: Schublehre: ------------------------------------- 3 BEST TOOLS I OWN Festool TS55: Gear Orbital Sander: Starrett Kombinationswinkel: ------------------------------------- 3 Cameras that I use Action Cam: Canon Legria HF R806: Panasonic LUMIX FZ300: ------------------------------------- 3 ways you can support my channel * BUY A T-SHIRT on Teespring: * DROP A COIN IN MY HAT: * BECOME A PATREON: ------------------------------------- All links marked with lead to Amazon. If you buy something there, I get a small part of the commission, but for you this does not change the price. ------------------------------------- * MUSIC IN THIS VIDEO * “Also Sprach Zarathustra“ Kevin MacLeod () Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License #Harmonograph
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