Unleashing the Power of Cinema 4D’s New Simulations: A Quick Dive

Recently Maxon released some big updates to simulations. They’re faster and more accurate, and they’ve made it easy to get rid of the jitter that has plagued their dynamics system forever. In this week’s tutorial, EJ Hassenfratz explores the new dynamics features using Lego bricks and walks you through it all - but don’t worry! It’s all virtual so your feet are totally safe. Download The Free Cinema 4D Project File Here (Note—You must have C4D 2024.2 and above to use the files): Cinema 4D Basecamp - Cinema 4D Ascent - 3D Courses - All Courses - Intro 00:00:00:00 Adding Rigid Body Dynamics to Cloners 00:00:38 Overview of Dynamic Simulation Settings 00:03:31 Optimizing Dynamic Simulations 00:07:37 How to Remove Jitter From Dynamic Simulations 00:10:50 Using Rigid Body Dynamics With Emitters 00:21:49 Using Follow Position & Follow Rotation Settings 00:24:42 Adding Particle Forces 00:26:28 Applying Custom Colors to Cloned Objects in Redshift 00:31:05 How to Cache Dynamic Sims 00:36:51 Recap 00:37:53
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