Teen Jam: Design a Martian Habitat with Space Architect Anastasia Prosina

Museum of Design Atlanta (MODA) presents Teen Jam: Design a Martian Habitat with Space Architect Anastasia Prosina. In this session of Teen Jam, you’ll learn from Anastasia Prosina, a space architect and CEO of the space architecture firm Stellar Amenities Anastasia Prosina, as she guides us through the nascent field of space architecture and how designers can join the aerospace industry to build the future of humanity in space. Anastasia covers her own path in space architecture, her aspirations and share useful resources. After her presentation, Anastasia hosted an immersive workshop where students got a behind-the-scenes glance on how space architects design space habitats and practice designing Mars habitats themselves. About MODA’s Teen Jam Series: Students are invited to actively engage with designers from various backgrounds during a 2-hour workshop. Each month a designer will speak about their work, answer questions students might have, and help lead participants through an ac
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