3 IAIDO Kata Demonstrations and What Each Movement Means | Introductory Katana Training for Starters
“Have you ever wondered what happens during an IAIDO kata?”
If you are a fan of Japanese katana swords, you may know about the martial art “iaido” which is still practiced today. You might have seen videos of trainees swinging katana swords while wearing traditional hakama dogi like this one I’m wearing now. Because we use real katana or ones made from alloy, we do not fight with each other like we do in kendo. We practice something called kata, which are prescribed sword exercises assuming various situations in battle.
However, have you ever wondered before… What are they specifically doing?? If you haven’t trained in iaido before, it might just look like we are randomly swinging our swords everywhere.
So today, as an iaido trainee, I will introduce and explain 3 of the 12 standard iaido kata that are determined by the All Japan Kendo Federation Iaido Club, and explain to you what we are actually doing.
The All Japan Kendo Federation Iaido Club is the biggest iaido group in Japan consisting of different “ryuha” styles engaging together
to preserve the culture. There are 12 kata that are determined as a way for different ryuha styles to practice and compete with together. This is because just like in karate, different styles have different techniques, and it’s impossible to train together if there aren’t any mutual training exercises.
However before we start, please understand that I am merely a student undergoing training in iaido myself, so my skills are undeveloped. I just hope that this could be a chance for you to get to know more about iaido, and maybe even be a chance to start training with me! Thank you very much for your understanding.
●All Japan Kendo Federation / Kendo Iaido Jodo
▼The BEST online katana shop for martial arts (Iaido, Kendo, etc.): Tozando▼
*This is my affiliate link!
Everything I use for my katana training is bought at this shop! I still use the first training katana I bought in 2016, and it is still in good shape!
▼The recommended online katana shop for decorations and cosplay: Mini Katana▼
*Get 15% OFF off all their products by purchasing through my affiliate link
[Time codes]
0:00 Let’s START!
2:23 The history of IAIDO
6:33 Iaido kata: 前 MAE
8:40 Iaido kata: 受け流し UKENAGASHI
10:09 Iaido kata: 柄当て TSUKA-ATE
11:45 Facts about IAIDO kata
13:45 Today’s conclusion
▼Who is Shogo? What is this channel about?▼
▼Related videos in this channel▼
-What are the differences between Iaido & Kendo? The history of the two katana martial arts of Japan
-The 3 differences between iaido/iaijutsu & battodo/battojutsu! Why they have a complex relationship
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#iaido #iaidodemonstration #iaidokata #iaidoswordtechniques #iaidobasics
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