Turn Any AR into a Gatling Gun: Freedom Ordnance FG-15

The Freedom Ordnance FG-15 grip contains an alternate trigger mechanism in the form of a retractable trigger crank. The crank interacts with a piston that goes up through the center support bolt and directly interacts with the trigger bar. I thas 3 modes, stowed, neutral, and fire to ensure safe opperation. ALL LINKS, Join the Email List, and get discounts from the affiliates page: Armed and Nerded Podcast: @armedandnerded #vsogunchannel The VSO Gun Channel is an educational resource of VSO Media LLC, a media production company, and VSOrdnance LLC, a research and development/ Testing Evaluation โ€œcontract labโ€œ. VSO is not in the business of selling or promoting the sale of firearms. Nothing VSO publishes should be misconstrued to support the sale of Firearms, components, or accessories. The VSO Gun Channel serves as a common sense, educational resource promoting responsible gun ownership and safety particularly
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