Pop-Up Master Class with Matthew Reinhart: Pop-Up Sphere

Welcome back to class, Pop-Up Master Class students! It’s me again - your professor of POP, Matthew Reinhart, with a brand-new lesson for you! Ever wonder how to make a sphere pop? In this Pop-Up Master Class video we go over all the basics on how to make a spherical shape expand from just a few pieces of flat paper. Warning! This pop isn’t easy and takes some patience, but I think the advanced paper engineers out there will have a ball creating it... get it? Have a BALL making a sphere pop-up! Okay, okay - I’ll stop with the corny jokes. Please feel free to send me pictures or videos of the pop-ups you create from my Pop-Up Master Class videos - because I want to see them! Tag me in any photos you would like me to see on the social media links posted below, but please be sure that you ask for a parent’s permission first before you post beforehand if you are a kid. If you have any suggestions for future Pop-Up Master Class lessons - any mechanisms you just don’t get and would like me to deconstruct f
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