Tom Hanks vs. Tim Allen | Versus | Rotten Tomatoes

Welcome back to Versus, the show that takes art and makes it competitive…much in the same way that Andy takes toys and makes them cowboys, astronauts and evil hams. Today’s episode features the two Tinseltown talents behind the best toys in the chest, Tom Hanks and Tim Allen. Tom is America’s Dad and provides the voice of Woody in the Toy Story films…Tim Allen plays Buzz Lightyear in those films, and is known as America’s…uncle? TV Dad? Sorry Homer…maybe we’ll go with America’s handyman? Watch More: ► New on RT: ► Exclusive Interviews: ► Rotten Tomatoes Originals: ► Celebrity Games: Music: Courtesy of Extreme Music Join the Conversation: ► Subscribe to ROTTEN TOMATOES: ► Subscribe to the ROTTEN TOMATOES NEWSLETTER: ► Follow us on TWITTER:
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