ИЛ (’Ooze’ or ’Sludge’) - Нечисть (Nechist) [FULL ALBUM] 2017

’Нечисть’ (Nechist) is the 4th full-length album by Russian doom/sludge band ИЛ/il (’Ooze’ or ’Sludge’) released in 2017. The rough translations of the bandname/album title/tracks in English were provided by the vocalist of the band. 01 Сквозь землю (Through Earth) 0:00 02 Леший (Forest Spirit) 06:45 03 Капище (Temple) 11:53 04 Черное веретено (Black Spindle) 21:06 05 Смолы- Навь (Tars, Nav’) 27:25 06 Костры (Bonfires) (bonus track) 37:06
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